White Fillings

Dental fillings are used to fill cavities cause by dental decay. Tooth colored dental fillings can also repair minor tooth injury such as cracked or broken teeth. Fillings are commonly done with materials called composite or resin. These materials are designed to match the color of your teeth. Tooth colored fillings are the preferred method of tooth restoration. Dental amalgam fillings are still used and considered safe by the ADA. However, composite dental fillings are more conservative, require less tooth reduction as they are bonded to the tooth structure and held in place by strong bonding materials.

When you have a dental cavity, it is important to have it filled as soon as possible, even if it does not hurt. Catching dental decay in the smallest stages means a smaller filling with less damage to your natural tooth structure. Like you, our goal at Cottonwood Smiles, is to help you save your teeth and conserve the natural tooth enamel. Nothing is as good as your own enamel. We know it and feel it is important to treat dental cavities early and conservatively.
Tooth colored fillings can vary in time and cost depending on the extent of the damage to the tooth. What we do know, is the longer you wait to remove decay and fill a tooth, you are at risk for discomfort and increased expense. We are here to help you keep your dental care affordable and comfortable. If you have any questions about fillings, please call our office today.
White fillings procedure at Abri Dental.
Fillers by Abri Dental

First Step

In the dental filling procedure is to administer a local anesthetic so that the area around the affected tooth becomes numb, increasing the comfort of the patient throughout the procedure.

Fillers by Abri Dental.

Second Step

The decayed or damaged tooth and its surrounding areas should be prepared for restoration. A dental hand-piece or laser may be used to remove the damaged parts of the tooth. An acid gel is used to cleanse the area to remove any remaining bacteria or debris. The filling material is then applied to the area to fill the cavity.

Get your perfect teeth at Abri Dental

Third Step

The placing of a composite filling requires isolation of the affected tooth; this aims to prevent any interference by allowing moisture in the bonding process in the composite restoration. For this to occur, various adhesives are placed before the composite material. The composite material can then be hardened with the use of a special bonding light.

Before and after photo of full-mouth reconstruction dental service.

Final Step

The finished tooth can be polished to conclude the dental filling procedure.

Get your white fillings with Abri Dental.

Beverly Hills

50 N La Cienega Blvd #217
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(310) 275 0032


3808 Riverside Dr #501
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 779 0299

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